Republicans are all in a tizzy at the prospect of being blamed for a Government shutdown if they stand with Senator Ted Cruz. The problem? Their party is already suffering from record low approval ratings with the American voting public.
The only chance Republicans have to maintain their House majority and win the Senate is to hold firm against an issue which is even more unpopular with the heartland: ObamaCare implementation.
The GOP Beltway elite is so afraid of losing that they seem to have forgotten what it will take to win. Imagine this scenario: It’s 2014 and the Republican National Senate Committee has gotten their top recruits for seats in West Virginia, Montana, Alaska, Arkansas, and Louisiana. The Republican nominees are lambasting their Democrat opponents with ads exposing their support for the ever-unpopular ObamaCare. Democrats hit back with ads telling the American people how Republican leaders like Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Eric Cantor joined Congressional Democrats in voting for funding to implement the Affordable Care Act. As a result, enough Redstate Democrats squeak by and the GOP, like Charlie Brown with the football, again misses an opportunity to win the Senate.
We saw a similar phenomenon in 2012. The American public had enough of President Obama. We went from “Hope and Change” to “Forward” (into economic abyss). Republicans nominated the “safe” choice of former Massachusetts Governor Willard “Mitt” Romney. The problem? Romney signed into law the father of ObamaCare during his one and only term as Governor. Republicans had no credibility when it came to using the President’s signature legislative accomplishment as a bludgeon against him. The party got the nominees they wanted in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Montana and lost all 3 Senate races, managing to have a net loss in the upper chamber of Congress.
There has been all sorts of talk about how the Grand Old Party needs to learn from their mistakes of 2012 and 2010. They do. They need to stop playing safe and stand for something. Stand for the Constitution! Stand for Liberty! Stand with We the People! Stand with Ted Cruz and Defund ObamaCare!