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So, the Government Shut Down, What Happens When We Hit the Debt Ceiling?


Since the Senate has, for four years, failed to pass a budget, we have seen dozens of fights over poll tested terms like “government shutdowns”, “default” on our massive national debt, “fiscal cliffs”, etc. At midnight today, the Federal Government finally shut down. Outside of welfare recipients, did anyone really notice?

This situation shows in stark relief the superiority of the private sector over the Government. For example, the Constitution Center in Philadelphia remained open while the Federally funded Liberty Bell was shut down.

Contrary to the scare tactics and spectre of anarchy envisaged by the Democrat Party, vital national services like the DEA, Postal Service, and Military remain funded and operational.

The Republican Party and the hardcore Tea Party Congressmen in the House of Representatives are being blamed for the “shutdown” but it was Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats that failed to approve a House originated Continuing Resolution. Ironically, it may be Senator Ted Cruz’ proposal that brings the government machine whirring back to life.

Cruz has proposed that the Senate and House vote on individual funding items to bring various parts of the Federal Government back into service. He has raised his stature as both a fighter and a problem solver. “All Three” Conservatives (Conservatives who support strong national defense, social conservatism, and fiscal conservatism) who may have been uneasy with Senator Rand Paul’s somewhat dovish foreign policy views, now have a candidate they can rally behind for 2016. The Texas firebrand has vaulted ahead in the early polls.

The question remains, what will happen in the debt ceiling fight looming in the future? The Federal Government is out of money and borrowing more is sheer insanity to anyone who has not had their thinking poisoned by Potomac sewage.

It is an inconvenient truth that, our National Debt is NEVER going to be paid off. It is just not going to happen. Default one day is inevitable. National default will be painful and the longer it is put off, the worse it will be. The result will be that no one will again loan us money, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Maybe national default will finally cause our leaders to keep Government spending within Constitutional limits.

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